Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Raging Heros: Toughest Girls of the Galaxy Arrive! Lulu pic

However long ago it was now (my memory sucks) a friend and I pledged on the awesome looking Raging Heros kickstarter for there soon to be released Toughest Girls of the Galaxy.

Basically three different types of army chicks that'd make awesome subs for the Imperial Guard...sorry, Astra Militarum.

Delays, resculpts and layers more detail added later we received the first few of our order late last week.

Here's a pic of the only one that doesn't need building to give you an idea of scale (the pic is a 'Lulu' - child snipers - so it's meant to be small).

I'll post more when I've built them and am not stuck with posting on my phone from the work canteen!

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